We’re Not Wizards – Gluten Free Christmas Spicy Stuffing – Podcast Episode

luke and richard christmas cover

So for this one, we’re going to have a chat all about Christmas Dinner and how to make the best roast potatoes, resting your meat, and also why we aren’t going to bother being organised. Then after that we get a talking and chatting about some games.

Games we’ve been playing..

31:00 Rumbleslam  https://ttcombat.com/collections/rumbleslam

34:00 Raptor https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/177639/raptor

41:30 Resident Evil Steamforged https://steamforged.com/en-gb/pages/resident-evil-1

44:00 Empires End  https://www.brotherwisegames.com/empires-end

01:12:00 Question Time from Jerry ‘The Bread’ Baker

Games We’re going to play

01:21:00 Dungeon Saga Origins https://www.manticgames.com/news/announcing-dungeon-saga-origins/

01:25:00 Dinosaur Gauge https://hollandspiele.com/collections/dinosaurs/products/dinosaur-gauge

01:32:00 Next Time


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